04 October 2021

On October 28th, 2021 LIFE GREEN VULCAN will participate to Ecomondo 2021. The project will be presented by the Project Coordinator, Francesco Di Pierro from Innovando, in the framework of the session “Eco-innovative solutions for the enhancement of end-of-life tires and rubber-based production residues” that will take place from 14:00 to 15:30 pm at Sala Gemini of Pavillion n.3. During this session, the Project Coordinator will give a speech that will describe the project main objectives and expected impacts and he will highlight the role of High performance devulcanized masterbatches for the reuse of end-of-life tires in high volume technical compounding applications.

Presentations will be in italian language. This is the agenda of the day:

14:00 – 14:20 > Introduzione a cura del Presidente di sessione

14:20 – 14:40 > Valorizzazione circolare di rifiuti e scarti a base di gomma

Fabio Bertolotti, Assogomma

14:40 – 15:00 > Life Green Vulcan: Masterbatch devulcanizzati ad alte prestazioni per il riutilizzo di pneumatici fuori uso in applicazioni di compounding tecnico ad alto volume

Francesco Di Pierro, Rubber Conversion

15:00 – 15:20 > Devulcanizzazione selettiva dei PFU e conversione a combustibili avanzati mediante processo DES+™ autosostenibile dal punto di vista energetico e a basso impatto

Massimo Aiello, Acea Ambiente |  Business Development Division

Flavio Manenti, Politecnico Milano | Chemical Engineering Dept. “Giulio Natta”

Omar Pellegrini | Microgomma Energia

15:20 – 16:40 > Call for Papers

Characterization of rubber/ELTs industrial scraps additivated with electric furnace slag

Anna Gobetti | University of Brescia – Mechanical and industrial engineering Dept.

Versalis Reviver: new “circular” elastomers for more sustainable tyres

Costantino Perretta, Versalis S.p.A.

Tyres as a model for the complementary recovery of material and energy: the agreement between Eni and Ecopneus for eco-innovative solutions in the use of ELTs

Roberto Palmieri, ENI

16:40 > Discussione e conclusioni a cura del Presidente di sessione